Thursday, 12 February 2009

Ode to by Balantide

Roaded are red,
Bylets are blue,
I’b all bunged up
So why aren’t you?

Yed, I’b vine, thaggs for ass-ging. Jus’ a bit ob a code id bi dode.

Ad I egspegted to be ibbune abter habbing de flu diab.

Dough sujj lugg, ad dats why I’b souding blocked ubb - while by catarrh dently weebs.

Avgorredake, add well, und ebri bode id by body aches.

Bud do I gedd eddy symbaffi ? Dot a bit – dobody seebs to doh wod I’b goin fru. Add dobody cares, iver. Woe is bee.

Bud de most addoying bart ob all is dot knowing wurr id all comes frob. I’b blown by dose sebenty-dide tibes dis borning und the bloody stuff dust keebs cubbing.

But one codsullashun, I’b rediscobered Tudes. Doh, Tudes, you doh, de ones dat elp you breed more eedily. Doh, stubid, Tudes – bud dow id a liddle box and wib doh wrappers on dem. Don’t doh wod de world’s cubbing too. Obal Froods will be dext, bark by words.

But Beddylind und Sdrebsils are dow bart ob by stable diet und I hobe to be OK dext week.

P.S. Send only used 20s in de ged well cards, byda way.

Your lubbing cat,

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