Thursday, 21 May 2009

We're all doomed

Isn’t that just bloody typical of women?

Give them an inch and they take mile upon mile.

Not satisfied with getting the vote; not satisfied with equal rights; not satisfied with ending sex discrimination or becoming Prime Minister, now they want to take over the planet and do away with men altogether.

And the bad news, guys, is that Mother Nature is on their side, which I suppose SHE would be. Where the hell is Father Nature when you need him?

The problem that blokes face is that the male Y chromosome is apparently dying out. I say apparently because the claim is made by Professor Jenny Graves, whom I suspect is not the proud owner of testicles and, we might as well get racist as well as sexist here, also happens to be Australian. (it’s an Ashes summer, all is fair).

According to this testosterone-challenged Sheila, this Y bit of giblet had 1,400 genes on it 300 million years ago but is now scratching around on its last 45, so will run out of reasons to exist fairly soon – well, in five million years, give or take a week or two.

This process means that men will gradually become less and less masculine and will eventually morph into females and, witnessing Graham Norton, it seems the change has already begun.

But there is a glimmer of hope for male survival.

One species in Japan has plenty of healthy males running about despite a complete lack of the Y widgety thing.

Sadly, it’s a rat.

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